
Our school prides itself that our children are so well turned out in their uniforms each day and we would like to thank all the parents/guardians for their help and support.
Please look carefully at the uniform requirements before you buy the uniform for your child. Please make sure your child has sensible, well fitting black school shoes and a suitable coat for the playground.
We believe that children should be taught to take pride in their appearance and being able to conform and look neat and tidy each day is good training for the world of work.
Please note that ties, Junior School Polo and Sweat Shirts can ONLY be purchased from school. These can be ordered by contacting Mrs Skelton through school.​

Junior School Uniform
Please ensure all items of clothing are named.
Mid grey trousers
White polo shirt with school logo
Burgundy sweat shirt with school logo
White or grey socks
Black school shoes.
Mid grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
White polo shirt with school logo
Burgundy sweat shirt with school logo
White or grey socks
Black school shoes.

Senior School Uniform
Please ensure all items of clothing are named.
Mid grey trousers
White or grey shirt
School tie
Grey V neck jumper
White or grey socks
Black school shoes.
Mid grey trousers or skirt
White or grey blouse
School tie
Grey V neck jumper
White or grey socks
Black school shoes.